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Showing posts from December, 2019

Consular Section of Poland Embassy in Manila

Opening of the Consular Section of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Manila The Polish Embassy in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia announced in their website that as of 6th January 2020 the Embassy of Poland in Manila will begin to carry out the consular services excluding the visa cases. To book an appointment at the consular office, please register at . We kindly invite you to read the detailed consular information provided at their website . All the national visa matters are still handled by the Consular Section of the Polish Embassy in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) until 31st March 2020. Please kindly refer to the following website for visa information: . The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands represents the Republic of Poland in the process of examining applications and issuing Schengen visas, pursuant to the provisions of the EU Visa Code, in the Republic of the Philippines. Sour...

English Mass in Katowice

English Mass in the chapel of Mariacka Street (in the building on the right side of Mariacka Church in Katowice, at the last floor: plac Szramka 1)  every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month at 2pm. After the Celebration, it would be nice if everyone could prepare some food (maybe something typical from your country?)  that you can share to the international community  :) Everyone is welcome ❤️ Related Links English Mass in Warsaw English Mass In Bydgoszcz English Mass in Gdynia English Mass in Lublin English Mass in Poznań English Mass in Wrocław English Mass in Kraków #pinoyworkersinpoland #pinoysinpoland

English Mass in Gdynia

Sunday Mass in English in Gdynia (within the tri-city urban area): Kościół Parafialny OO. Redemptorystów pw. Matki Bożej Nieustającej Pomocy i św. Piotra Rybaka ul. Portowa 2, Gdynia 81-350 +48 662 652 001 Facebook English Mass 16:00 (4:00 pm) every Sunday Reachable by public transport, but expect to take a train - should take about 50 minutes total to get there from Gdańsk city centre. Related Links English Mass in Warsaw English Mass In Bydgoszcz English Mass in Katowice English Mass in Lublin English Mass in Poznań English Mass in Wrocław English Mass in Kraków #pinoyworkersinpoland #pinoysinpoland

Nativity Scene (szopka)

Each church builds its own unique nativity scene (szopka) for the Christmas season. Sometimes they are modern and metaphorical, sometimes with lots of details that children will love, eg. animals, angels, different figures, ornaments. Churches in Poland are usually open during the day until the evening. There is also an animated nativity scene with moving statues in Kościół Przemienienia Pańskiego (Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord) , Miodowa 13 Street (Old Town). The Nativity can be viewed every day from 10 am til 6 pm, from Christmas Day until February 2nd. Admission is free, but there is a collection box and gift shop. The proceeds go, of course, to the upkeep and renovation of the Nativity. Free entrance . A movable crib in the Capuchin church of the Transfiguration of the Lord on ul.  Miodowa in Warsaw Below is a short video of the mechanism in motion. :) #pinoyworkersinpoland #pinoysinpoland

Stamp in Passport during TRP application

If a foreigner files an application for a temporary residence permit during their legal stay in Poland and if the application is completed in full, the Voivode places a stamp in the travel document of the foreigner confirming that an application for granting a temporary residence permit has been filed. This stamp legalises the stay of the foreigner in Poland (even in the event of expiry of the visa or of the previous residence card) until the date of issuing a decision on the residence card, and in the case of an appeal against a negative decision until the moment when the decision made upon appeal i.e. by the Head of the Office for Foreigners) becomes binding. Note: The aforementioned stamp does not entitle the foreigner to travel to other Schengen countries or EU Member States . Pursuant to the stamp in the passport the foreigner may leave for their country of origin , although they may not return to Poland with the stamp – in order to re-enter Poland, the foreigner shou...

English Mass in Lublin

DUSZPASTERSTWO AKADEMICKIE KATOLICKIEGO UNIWERSYTETU LUBELSKIEGO JANA PAWŁA II ul. I. Radziszewskiego 7 20 – 039 Lublin tel. 81. 445-43-13/81. 445. 4097 e -mail: dakul@kul.p Facebook English Mass at 17:00 (5:00pm) every Sunday Related Links English Mass in Warsaw English Mass In Bydgoszcz English Mass in Gdynia English Mass in Katowice English Mass in Poznań English Mass in Wrocław English Mass in Kraków #pinoyworkersinpoland #pinoysinpoland

ZUS Payments on TRP Application

Workers can receive a negative decision on their temporary residence and work permit application for reasons such as their employer missed a payment to ZUS (Social Insurance Institution). It applies not only if the employer miss a payment regarding the foreign employee, but can also affect the other employees whom he or she hires. To avoid such reason of refusal the foreigner must make sure that his or her company doesn't miss any social security contribution payments. Related link: Polish Social Security Contributions in Poland Social Security in Poland Stamp in Passport during TRP Application #pinoyworkersinpoland #pinoysinpoland

English Mass in Kraków

Catholic Holy Mass is said in English in the Kosciol Sw. Idziego little church, 67 Grodzka street (at the foot of the Wawel Royal Castle), at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays. Sunday's Catholic Church Services in Foreign Languages in Krakow Latin. Catholic Holy Mass is said in Latin - in the Wawel Cathedral at 7 am 9 am on Sundays and the Church holidays, - in the Kosciol Mariacki church (St. Mary's Basilica) at Rynek Glowny central square every day at 10 a.m. - in the Kosciol Sw. Krzyza church (The Holy Cross church) at 23 sw. Krzyza street and Plac Sw. Ducha square at 10:30 a.m. and 7:15 p.m. on Sundays, German. Catholic Holy Mass is said in German in the Kosciol Sw. Barbary (St. Barbara's church) at Plac Mariacki square, next to the towering basilica of the Virgin Mary, at 2:30 pm every Sunday. Italian. Catholic Holy Mass is said in Italian in the Basilica OO. Franciszkanow (St. Francis' church), 5 Pl. Wszystkich Swietych square and Franciszkanska stree...

POEA reiterates warning on email job scams

NEWS ADVISORY 27 November 2019 POEA reiterates warning on email job scams The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration reiterated its advice to overseas jobseekers to disregard emails informing them of selection for supposed employment in countries like Ireland, Poland, United Kingdom, Canada, the United States of America and other developed countries. The POEA recently got a copy of an email from an applicant verifying the authenticity of an offer she received supposedly for a job in Dublin, Ireland. The email turned out to be an absolute scam. The offer was for a permanent job as a receptionist with a salary of 21.50 Euro per hour for a two-year contract. Benefits include two day per week rest; free accommodation; 20 day paid holiday allowance; medical and dental insurance; free food during work hours; and free visa fee and plane ticket; and other too-good-to-be-true remunerations. The catch, however, is that the applicant has to pay for certain documents...

English Mass In Bydgoszcz

The Holy Mass in English (Msze św. w jęz. angielskim) Parafia pw. Matki Boskiej Częstochowskiej 85-028 Bydgoszcz ul. Żmudzka 2 tel. 052-345-20-33, 052-345-31-99, English Mass in English every Saturday at 19:00 (7:30pm) Related Links English Mass in Warsaw English Mass in Gdynia English Mass in Lublin English Mass in Katowice English Mass in Poznań English Mass in Wrocław English Mass in Kraków Source: #pinoyworkersinpoland #pinoysinpoland

English Mass In Wroclaw

You’re Catholic, you’re an English-speaker, you’re in Wrocław (Poland), and you want to practice your faith. Problem: you don’t understand the Mass in Polish, and as for confession in Polish – forget about it! What do you do? Where do you go? You’ve come to the right place: the Pastoral Centre for English-speakers was created in 2007 by a decree of the Archbishop of Wrocław, to meet the needs of English-speaking Catholics living in or visiting this diocese. The Pastoral Centre for English Speakers was established in April, 2007 by the Archbishop of the Wrocław Diocese, Marian Gołębiewski, in cooperation with the Franciscan Order of the Monastic Province of St Anthony and blessed Jakub Strzemię. The Pastoral Centre is run by the Franciscan priests of Saint Charles Borromeo Parish (Sw. Karol Boromeusz), Wroclaw, ul. Krucza 58. Holy Mass in English is offered every Sunday at 4PM (6PM in July and August) and on Holy Days of Obligation at the same hour. Confession...

Miss Supranational Philippines 2019 in National Costume

All materials were graciously provided by the City of Koronadal and the tribe themselves. Everything was approved by them to ensure quality and respect for their fabrics This isn’t just a National Costume for a show... it’s sacred, it holds pride and it’s a marriage of craft and culture. Presenting you, the precious fabrics of the Blaan Tribe in Koronadal The tribal fabric attached to the head piece is over a century old, and was woven by Fu Yabing. A living National treasure of the Philippines Designer: Jearson Demavivas Related Link: Resham Saeed National Costume Miss Supranational 2019 #pinoyworkersinpoland #pinoysinpoland

English Mass in Warsaw

St Paul's English Speaking Catholic Parish in Warsaw English-language mass held each Sunday at 12:00, student's mass 19:30 (not available during the summer break) and on the 1st Friday of every month at 18:30. English confessions take place 30 mins before each mass. Location: Church of the Nativity of Our Lady (Narodzenia NMP na Lesznie) Al. Solidarnosci 80, Warsaw Facebook Page Chaplain: Fr. Wieslaw Dawidowski, OSA Mobile phone: 0600-384-916 email: Correspondence address: o. dr Wieslaw Dawidowski, OSA Klasztor Augustianow, ul. Baczynskiego 1, 05-092 Lomianki Phone/fax: 022-751-10-53 Related Links English Mass In Bydgoszcz English Mass in Gdynia English Mass in Katowice English Mass in Lublin English Mass in Poznań English Mass in Wrocław English Mass in Kraków #pinoyworkersinpoland #pinoysinpoland