You’re Catholic, you’re an English-speaker, you’re in Wrocław (Poland), and you want to practice your faith.
Problem: you don’t understand the Mass in Polish, and as for confession in Polish – forget about it! What do you do? Where do you go?
You’ve come to the right place: the Pastoral Centre for English-speakers was created in 2007 by a decree of the Archbishop of Wrocław, to meet the needs of English-speaking Catholics living in or visiting this diocese.

The Pastoral Centre for English Speakers was established in April, 2007 by the Archbishop of the Wrocław Diocese, Marian Gołębiewski, in cooperation with the Franciscan Order of the Monastic Province of St Anthony and blessed Jakub Strzemię. The Pastoral Centre is run by the Franciscan priests of Saint Charles Borromeo Parish (Sw. Karol Boromeusz), Wroclaw, ul. Krucza 58.
Holy Mass in English is offered every Sunday at 4PM (6PM in July and August) and on Holy Days of Obligation at the same hour.
Confession (before Mass) – 3.30 pm (5.30 pm in July and August)
The Pastoral Centre for English Speakers is a so-called ‘personal parish,’ meaning that it is the home parish for any person, from any country, who speaks English rather than Polish. As such, the Pastoral Centre exists to meet all of the spiritual needs of English-speakers within the Diocese of Wroclaw who cannot get those needs met in Polish. To date we have prepared adults and children for Baptism as well as First Holy Communion. We can give instructions to those needing the Sacrament of Confirmation in English. Should an English-speaker need the Anointing of the Sick in English or spiritual assistance in time of crisis, the English-speaking priests of the Pastoral Centre are ready to help. Any English-speakers wishing to be married in an English-language wedding Mass are welcome to contact the Pastoral Centre to arrange for an English-speaking priest to celebrate the Mass and bless their marriage.
Non-Catholic English-speakers, both baptised and unbaptised, who wish instruction in the Catholic Faith in the English language, are warmly welcomed to contact the Pastoral Centre or introduce themselves to the English-speaking priest after Sunday Mass.
Catholic English-speakers who have concerns about their canonical status (divorce, annulment, left the Church and wish to return, etc.) should contact the Pastoral Centre for English Speakers for advice and help.
Pastoral Care for English-Speakers
ul. Krucza 58
53-411 Wrocław
Phone: +48 71 360 49 61
Fax: +48 71 360 49 64
English Mass in Warsaw
English Mass In Bydgoszcz
English Mass in Gdynia
English Mass in Lublin
English Mass in Poznań
English Mass in katowice
English Mass in Kraków