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Showing posts from October, 2008

Europe’s 2008 Daylight Saving Schedule Ends

Many people across Europe will need to remember to turn their clocks back by one hour in their local times when daylight saving time comes to an end on October 26, 2008. On this date, most countries in Europe will revert back to their local standard times. Countries such as Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland , Spain (except the Canary Islands), and the Russian Federation will turn the clocks back from 3am to 2am at their local times. Countries such as Bulgaria, Cyprus, Finland, Greece, Turkey, and Ukraine will turn the clocks back from 4am to 3am at their local times. --------------------------------------------------- Daylight Saving Time (or summertime as it is called in many countries) is a way of getting more light out of the day by advancing clocks by one hour during the summer. During Daylight Saving Time, the sun appears to rise one hour later in the morning, when people are usually asleep anyway, and sets one hour later in the evening, ...

Cristina Bien at Global Pinoy Based in Poland, Cristina Bien has made her way to reaching her dreams even away from her home country. However, her musical journey began in the Philippines back in the 1980s, with a background in "Concervatoire musique et théatre" at the Metropolitan School of Music in Manila and in Acting/Directing at the CCP Cultural Centre of the Philippines. Cristina's professional experiences are based both locally and abroad. In 1985, she was part of the "Hatid Saya" Asian Tour and was best Filipino artist selected from the CCP Cultural Centre of the Philippines to form a musical group followed by an Asian tour. In the years following that, she was the lead vocalist of a Filipino band and member of a variety show band that toured in Asia and the Middle East, and also became a singer in a piano bar in the Philippines. In the early 1990s, she was lead vocalist of the British Scratch Band, which to...

Filipinos working in Poznan

POZNAŃ - Filipińczycy rozpoczęli pracę w Cegielskim 08.10.2008 Od miesiąca w Fabryce Silników Okrętowych, spółce należącej do Zakładów H. Cegielski Poznań, pracuje grupa 15 Filipińczyków. Większość z nich zatrudnionych jest jako spawacze. Dwóch pracuje na stanowiskach projektantów. Jeden jest malarzem. Dyrekcja poznańskiego zakładu myśli o zatrudnieniu kolejnych kilkunastu specjalistów z tego kraju. To efekt nie tylko zadowolenia z pracowitości i profesjonalizmu pracowników z Filipin, ale także reakcja na trudną sytuację na rynku pracy. Od kilku lat w Cegielskim brakuje bowiem wykwalifikowanych spawaczy. Po trzymiesięcznym przeszkoleniu wielu z nich rezygnuje z pracy w HCP i wyjeżdża za granicę albo stawia zaporowe żądania płacowe. – Część z pracowników oczekuje nawet 4 tysięcy złotych na rękę – mówi jeden z mistrzów w fabryce W2. – Spawacze są poszukiwanymi specjalistami na naszym rynku. Otrzymujemy też coraz więcej zapytań o takich pracowników od firm zagranicznych – mówi Paweł Korzy...

English Mass is Warsaw??

St Paul's English Speaking Catholic Parish Ul. Radna 14 , aleja Solidarnosci 80 Warsaw, Poland Mass : Every Sundays at 11:30am 12noon and at 7:30pm Chaplain: Fr. Wieslaw Dawidowski , OSA Mobile phone: 0600-384-916 email: Correspondence address: o. dr Wieslaw Dawidowski, OSA Klasztor Augustianow, ul. Baczynskiego 1, 05-092 Lomianki Phone/fax: 022-751-10-53

NMP - Najswietszy Maryji Panny Matki Kosciola (Mother Church)

Here's Fr. Hilario "Jhun" Sanez current parish. NMP - Najswietszy Maryji Panny Matki Kościoła (Mother Church) near Metro Station Wilanowska ul. Niepodłeglości or ul. Domaniewska 20 Every 1st sunday of the month at 330pm, the Filipinos all over Warsaw (even from other parts of Poland) gather here to participate in a Filipino Mass. Afterwards, we have a simple agape/fellowship. Click here to see the map Parish website: ** Fr. Hilario was sent in an mission and we currently do not have a regular Filipino Mass in Warsaw

CNN: Eye on Poland #1

Eye on Poland CNN's Antonia Mortensen previews what's coming up in a special week of CNN programming on Poland. Embedded video from CNN Video Poles on Poland CNN's Antonia Mortensen asks Polish nationals their views on their economy, lifestyle and the future of Poland Embedded video from CNN Video Poland's property boom ends CNN's Phil Black reports on the state of Poland's property market and why years of explosive growth have come to an end. Embedded video from CNN Video Sopot: Poland's hotspot CNN's Zain Verjee visits a Polish Baltic resort that's become a hip destination for Europeans. Poland's love affair with cars CNN's Phil Black reports on Poland's new love affair with owning and racing powerful cars. Embedded video from CNN Video 'Made in Poland' CNN's Diana Magnay talks to a Polish bus manufacturer about the secrets of Solaris' success. Embedded video from CNN Video Poland wants to host Euro 2012 CNN's Phil...

CNN: Eye on Poland

Country at the Crossroads Poland's influence is growing in Europe and around the world. And from business and politics to pop culture, the Polish people are also making an impact. Join CNN for a special week of programming that examines the nation's growing global role - and its promising future. You can also check out their coverage online at . Week of coverage:        Oct. 6-10: 0700, 0800, 0900, 1100, 1400 ALL TIMES GMT Eye on Poland special:      Saturday Oct. 11: 1330, 1730; Sunday Oct. 12: 0130, 0630, 2330 ALL TIMES GMT Online Videos available here

Kurap in 24th Warsaw Film Festival

Kurap (Blink) Country: Philippines Production year: 2008 Festival: 2008 Director: Ronnie Bertubin Producer: Antonio De Guzman, Jr Cast: Sherwin Ordonez (Ambet), Jojit Lorenzo (Marlon), Ashley Rhain Arca (Luchie), Christian Burke (Bogs), Jeff Luna (Ratbu), Nikolai Villamor (Baltik), Rico Salazar (Pipoy), Dexter Castro (Goyong), Raja Montero (Lorielyn), Ricky Pascua (Einstein), Hermie Concepcion (Optical Saleslady /optyk) , Grace Villablanca (Viveca) Duration: 70 min Description:


Teznie Solankowa Park Zdrojowy Sienkiewicza cor Kraszewskiego Gościniec Kołomyja ( ) ul. Od Lasu 23, Konstancin-Jeziorna, tel. 022 754 05 94. Konstancin-Jeziorna is located about 20 km south of downtown Warsaw and is a part of the metropolitan area of that city

Polish Embassy for Philppines

EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND IN THE KINGDOM OF THAILAND 100/81-82, Vongvanij Building B, 25th Floor, Rama 9 Road, Huaykwang District, Bangkok 10310 Tel. (+66) 2-645-0367/9 Fax (+66) 2-645-0365 E-mail: ? Honorary Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Manila Plaza Santiago Bldg. (formerly United Philippine Lines, Inc. Bldg), Sta. Clara Street Intramuros, Philippines Phone No.: (632) 527-7491 to 94 Fax No.: (632) 527-1603 Honorary Consul General: Fernando V. Lising

Tirador in 24th Warsaw Film Festival

Slingshot (Tirador) Country: Philippines Production year: 2007 Festival: 2008 Director: Brillante Ma. Mendoza Producer: Renato Esguerra, Antonio Del Rosario Cast: Jiro Manio (Odie), Kristofer King (Rex), Coco Martin (Caloy), Nathan Lopez (Leo), Jaclyn Jose (Zeny) Duration: 86 min Description: About a month after Holy Week, a national election will take place. What future does it hold for a motley group of “tiradors” - local slang for petty thieves - whose daily survival depends on fast fingers and yearly atonement on divine grace? The tiradors all live in an old dilapidated tenement building in the slums of Quiapo, a busy business district of Manila where they ply their trade. The director: “'Tirador' is my perfect example of ‘guerilla-type’ independent filmmaking. It reinforces our faith in what we’ve always believed in these past years: Doing movies independently (from the dictates of money-oriented financiers) may be a sensible way of speaking out the truth with...