Multicultural Intergenerational Choir (Międzypokoleniowy Chór Wielokulturowy)
The Multicultural Intergenerational Choir will initiate its activity in May. Anyone who likes singing can be a chorister. Parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren, as well as foreigners living in Warsaw are especially welcome.
The choir’s repertoire will comprise of traditional songs from all around the world, in contemporary arrangements.
Exercises developing the scale of voice, a good ear for music, musical memory and sensitivity will be implemented in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere, with a great deal of positive energy.
Shaping the repertoire is an open process - musical pieces can be proposed by project participants. There will be some arrangement experiments, elements of improvisation and common work on building musical pieces. Depending on the creativity of the choristers, joined singing will be accompanied by movement and sound experiments, as well as techniques of body-percussion.
Classes will be held in two separate groups (one for children aged 6-11, and one for the others), with the intention of a subsequent fusion of the two teams. Adults will work under the guidance and the alert ear of teacher, composer and singer - Marcin Steczkowski. Children’s group will be led by singer and educator - Anna Choczaj.
Choir meetings will be held every week - from May 7th till the end of June, and later from September to mid-December.
Meetings: Thursdays, 5.30-8.30 p.m. (from May 7, 2015 )
Multicultural Center, ul. Jagiellonska 54 (map)
Choir conductors: Marcin Steczkowski & Anna Choczaj
registration and information:
admission free
The project is implemented by Arteria Art Foundation, with the financial support from the City of Warsaw.