March 2, 2020
Warning on visa consultants, language training centers
The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) advises Filipino seeking jobs abroad to be wary of visa consultants and language training centers that promise overseas employment in order to entice clients to avail their services.
The POEA has been receiving reports that some of these institutions are enticing jobseekers by offering overseas jobs in the guise of visa assistance or language training, without necessary license or authority from the Administration, which constitutes illegal recruitment.
Under the POEA Memorandum Circular No. 10, Series of 2003, local immigration consultancy agencies are required to obtain license from the POEA before engaging in the recruitment and placement activities, regardless of the visa under which deployment shall be made.
Also, the Administration does not accredit training centers to engage in the recruitment and placement of overseas Filipino workers. Training centers that advertise overseas job vacancies and promise employment to enrollees are considered to commit illegal recruitment.
The POEA discourages both prospective applicants and returning workers from entertaining job offers by language training centers and visa consultants, and to only transact with licensed recruitment agencies with job orders approved by the Administration.
The Filipino overseas job seekers are advised to be vigilant and report any suspected illegal recruitment schemes and activities to POEA Anti-Illegal Recruitment Branch at 8722-1189 and 8722-1192 or through email at
The POEA also urges the public to be more cautious of any suspicious recruitment activities whether committed in person or using social media platforms and to report the same to the POEA Anti-Illegal Recruitment Branch.