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Mandatory Census by National Population and Housing 2021

The 2021 National Census of Population and Housing began in Poland last April 1 and will last until September 30, 2021. It is carried out every 10 years. The last census took place in 2011. The Census is mandatory for each resident of Poland, including foreigners living in Poland on a temporary or permanent basis.

The Census provides statistical offices with detailed information on the population in Poland and its distribution, demographic and occupational structure, economic and social situation of households, along with information on their housing conditions.

Participation in the 2021 National Census of Population and Housing is mandatory. Refusal to participate in the census entails the possibility of imposing a fine.

It will take us 15 minutes to fill in the form

Each resident of Poland is required to complete the ONLINE form. Parents or legal guardians make the census on behalf of the children. For foreigners without a PESEL number, a separate login mode using e-mail is available. Only in exceptional cases, when the person covered by the census cannot complete the form online, data is collected over the phone or in person.

If anyone finds it difficult to fill in the form, they can call the special census helpline (22 279 99 99).

Guidelines in English


Unknown said…
How to registered please?