Flour type, according to Polish food regulations, means the content of ashes in it (i.e. the remains after complete burning of the organic ingredients in a sample of the product at a determined temperature). Ii is expressed in gramms/100 kg of flour. For example: type 500 means that in every 100 kg of flour there's around 500 g of ashes, and type 850 means that in every 100 kg the content of ashes is around 850 g. Main types of wheat flours: Królowa Kuchni, type 390 It is ideal for sponge cakes and other gourmet baking. Mąka tortowa, typ 450 recommended for pasta, noodles, cakes, and other baking products. Wawelska Extra, type 480 ideal for home-made baking, especially for yeast and sponge cakes. Mąka poznańska, typ 500 recommended for dough for noodles, pierogi, pizza, for sauces (as densifier); Mąka krupczatka, typ 500 recommended for shortcrust pastry and "półkruche" (shortcrust pastry with cream, egg whites and baking soda), "ciasto parzone...