The Net Salary calculators allows you to calculate net salaries for umowa o pracę contracts. You input a gross salary and it'll calculate the equivalent net salary for you.
Monthly: http://calculla.com/polish_net_gross_earnings_calculator
Annual : http://calculla.com/polish_annual_earnings_calculator
Let’s use some example in order to understand how it works. Let’s say that you signed an employment contract, you earn 4 321 PLN gross, and your employment conditions are typical.
Your net salary equals: 3 077,02 PLN. Why?
421,73 PLN goes for pension insurance (ubezpieczenie emerytalne)
64,82 PLN goes for disability insurance (ubezpieczenie rentowe)
105,86 PLN goes for sickness insurance (ubezpieczenie chorobowe)
335,57 PLN goes for health insurance (ubezpieczenie zdrowotne)
316,00 PLN goes for a PIT (personal income tax) advance payment (składka PIT)
** Of course, all of that depends on your contract type and employment conditions.
Personal Income Tax and Other Individual Tax Credits and incentives
1% Tax for Charity
Social Security Contributions
Cost Of Living in Poland