Women’s Day, Polish: Dzień Kobiet is celebrated each year on 8th of March. It is observed as a symbol of respect for victims of fights for equal rights for women. It was established in 1910 but in Poland it was not commonly celebrated until 1993 (after the collapsed of the Eastern Block).

On this day all women in Poland receive special attention not only privately, but also at schools and at work (hospitals, offices, etc.). Today, the most popular gift is the tulip. When women meet men on this day, regardless of whether it is their boss, colleague, friend, or father, they can usually count on receiving a symbolic tulip. In addition to flowers, they sometimes receive greeting cards. It is a very nice gesture, but not practiced by all. Some people think that Women’s Day is a socialist hangover so they do not celebrate it.
In addition to flowers and chocolates, the greeting – “Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji Dnia Kobiet!” – all the best on the occasion of Women’s Day, goes nicely with the gifts.
Dzień Kobiet — Women’s Day
Matka — Mother
Czekolada — Chocolate
Kobieta — Woman
Bukiet kwiatów — Bouquet
Tulipan — Tulip
Prawo — Right
Dziewczyna — Girlfriend
Dawać — Give
Szacunek — Respect
Równouprawnienie kobiet — Women’s empowerment