Due to the need to prevent the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus, the Office for Foreigners, among others cancels reviews of administrative files and shortens the work of the Foreigners Service Center.
All reviews of administrative files scheduled for March 12-31, 2020 are canceled. Each of the persons concerned by this information will be informed by email about the new date of the file review.
Until the end of March, the Foreigners Service Center at ul. Taborowa 33 will be open from 10.00 to 14.00.
Foreigners with refugee status or subsidiary protection who apply for the issue or replacement of a Residence Card or Geneva Travel Document are requested to visit the office in person only if they have a written request. This document confirms acceptance of the application and informs about the date of submission of fingerprints.
In centers for foreigners, all group activities were canceled and residents of the facilities were advised to avoid large human gatherings. An information and educational meeting was organized for employees of the centers, related to methods of preventing coronavirus infection.
In addition, hand disinfectants (for employees and clients) were made available at the office and centers for foreigners and the most important information on preventing the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus was provided.
The employees of the offices were informed about the possibilities of using the childcare allowance for taking care of a child under 8 years of age and performing remote work.
We also remind you to contact the office in writing, via e-mail and by phone.
Source: https://udsc.gov.pl/zmiany-w-pracy-urzedu/