In connection with the current epidemiological situation, Sejm (Polish Parliament) adopted an act providing special solutions for foreigners in Poland.

Legal stay of foreigners during the state of epidemic threat
Due to the state of epidemic threat, voivodeship offices have suspended direct customer service. Therefore, all applications for the legalization of stay of foreigners in Poland may be submitted by post.
Applications for the legalization of stay of foreigners may be sent to voivodeship offices via Poczta Polska S.A. by registered mail or via any other postal operator. When submitting applications for legalisation of stay, it is important to do so during legal stay in Poland. Only then the stay during the administrative procedure will be considered legal.
Sending the application to the voivodeship office via Poczta Polska S.A. (which is the designated operator within the meaning of the Postal Law Act) before the period of legal stay has expired, guarantees that the deadline for submitting the application will be met. The legality of a foreigner’s stay during the proceedings results from the fact of submitting an appropriate application within the statutory period, and not from the fact that the foreigner has a stamp in the passport confirming submission of the application. The voivodes will return to calling applicants to appear in person, when required by law, after the restoration of direct customer service.
Legalisation of stay due to the inability to leave Poland
Foreigners who cannot leave the territory of Poland for reasons beyond their control may apply for either a visa extension or a temporary residence permit due to circumstances requiring a short stay.
Detailed information on visa extension and relevant application forms can be found HERE.
Information on the temporary residence permit due to circumstances requiring a short stay and application forms can be found HERE.
When applying for both a visa extension and a temporary residence permit due to circumstances requiring a short stay, it is important to do so during a legal stay in Poland. Only then the stay during the administrative procedure will be considered legal. Applications should be sent to the voivodeship office via Poczta Polska by registered mail or via any other postal operator. Sending the application during legal stay via Poczta Polska S.A. guarantees meeting the deadline for its submission and ensures the possibility of legal stay until the case is considered.
Please follow further information appearing on the website of the Office for Foreigners.